The monastery of San Francisco

The original building of the monastery of San Francisco was built in wood in 1508 on top of a hill for the use of the order of San Francisco. Due to the fragility of the material and the weather phenomena and assaults it crumbled, until it was decided to rebuild it, this time in stone. The new stone building was built between 1523 and 1664, although it was the modifications made to it in the 18th century that can still be seen in what remains of the ruins.
In the 19th century, during the battle of Palo Hincado, part of the vault was sectioned and a cannon was placed in its place, but after the second shot, the whole thing collapsed. Later, during the Haitian domination, the Haitians took the stones and architectural details, causing great damage to the monastery.

Due to the abandonment of the construction, the vaults eventually crumbled, although the place where the chapel of the Tertiary Order, the convent and the church were located can still be seen. However, the site of the ruins is still used for social and cultural events, and is protected by the National Permanent Commission of Patriotic Celebrations of the Dominican Republic.
Nearby, just a block away, you can visit the Museo del Mundo del Ámbar or the Museo Casa Duarte.