Do not throw garbage on the beach

Going to the beach is an adventure and something very pleasant, but for the beaches to be in optimal condition, especially clean, we must all do our part, we tourists mainly, so what we can do to avoid the  Pollution of the beaches is to put into practice the following tips, which are measures to prevent pollution of the beaches and to keep them clean, put them into practice.

 Some measures and solutions to prevent pollution on beaches:

 Bring reusable cloth bags to collect your trash.

 Separate organic from inorganic waste.

 Do not throw plastic bags, plastic containers or cans near the beach.

 Don't bury cigarette butts in the sand.

 If you use sunscreen, put the trash in its place.

 Don't break glass on the beach.

 Remember the beaches are not public restrooms.  Neither is the sea.

 Do not throw garbage in the sea.

 Don't leave food waste in the sand.

 Do not throw chemicals into the sea.

 If you take your pet to the beach, clean his excrement, do not leave it on the sand.

 In short, the most important thing is to be aware and not throw or leave garbage of any kind on the beach.  Do not be lazy and have respect for the environment and above all for others.